Biomec presente con Cremascoli al convegno organizzato dalla Società Italiana della Riproduzione “Hot Topics in Ginecologia ed Ostetricia” PROGRAMMA…
Biomec Srl rivenditore ufficiale dispositivi ginecologici Cremascoli presente al 38° convegno di isteroscopia in cui si è parlato di…
The GIS-Kit (Gel Instillation Sonohysterography) is an innovation in the field of gynecological ultrasound. It improves the results of the…
Essure is for women who desire permanent birth control. With Essure, the fallopian tubes are bilaterally occluded without incisions or…
Dr. Melissa Anderson performs a polypectomy resecting multiple polyps using the TRUCLEAR 8.0 System with the Hysteroscopic Rotary Morcellator. DYONICS*…
Smith & Nephew (NYSE:SNN;LSE:SN), the global medical technology business, today announces the results of a new multicenter clinical study which…