isuog 2016 rome symposium september samsung roma invito

Biomec Srl rivenditore

Ecografi Samsung

è stata invitata in occasione del

ISUOG 2016 ISUOG’s 26th World Congress

in qualità di Partner della sezione Medical Samsung a partecipare al congresso annuale della International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

L’ISUOG 2016 si terrà a Roma tra domenica 25 Settembre e Mercoledì 28 dello stesso mese ed in occasione del congresso vi sarà un Simposio

Samsung IOTA Symposium

Il cui main Topic Sarà : Classifying Ovarian Masses with Simple Rules and ADNEX
Domenica 25 Settembre tra le 12:45pm – 13:45pm
Location : Tiziano A & B : RomeMarriott Park, Rome, Italy

isuog 2016 rome symposium september samsung medical ecografi

Questo il

programma del Samsung Iota Symposium 2016 Rome Roma

12:45 -13:05 Ultrasound variables that are used in SIMPLE RULES
and how to use them  Relatore: Prof. Antonia Testa (Italy)
13:05 – 13:25 Variables used in the ADNEX prediction model and how to
interpret its findings Relatore: Prof. Dirk Timmerman (Belgium)
13:25 – 13:45 Case studies using Simple Rules and the ADNEX software Relatore: Prof. Tom Bourne (UK)

We cordially invite you to connect with Samsung at ISUOG 2016.
As a platinum level sponsor, we will be holding diverse academic events during the Congress.
We also welcome you to join us at our booth to experience our latest products and technologies.
Samsung Medical

SAMSUNG_Invitation ISUOG 2016

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